Pest Control Delray Beach
If you leave in Delray Beach, Florida with area code: 33444 this information pertains to you. When you talk to the various Delray Beach pest control companies there are several questions you should ask before selecting one to come to your home.
First you need to make sure that they are fully certified and licensed with both the state and the local authorities, if necessary ask them to provide proof. Hiring a company that is not licensed can end up causing you problems with the local authorities just as much as they can get in trouble for operating without the appropriate licensure. Insurance is a must for any Delray Beach pest control company, since they are going to be working in, around and possible on your home. The company you choose should carry full liability insurance that covers you, your family, your home against any injuries or damage that may occur as a result of anything their employees do while they are on your property. It should also cover any illnesses that can result from the use of any product that they use in the course of ridding your house of pests. You then ask the pest control company in Delray Beach how they plan to rid your house of the pest including whether they will inspect your house to see where they are getting into your home and have people on staff to repair the entry holes or a company they use for this purpose. Call us please to 561-755-7378. Green Palm Pest Control is the choice you need to make!