Lawn Pests | Diseases
Lawn Pests and diseases are difficult to understand because of biological organisms causing them are microscopic. It is a fact that grasses properly maintained with water, fertilizer, and mowing are not as susceptible to pest and disease as poor maintain grasses. Diseases are the exception and not the rule for lawns. When one observes spots and patches of yellow or brown turfgrass is very likely to be a water problem, a fertilizer problem, or even an environmental problem other than a disease. A disease is an interaction between the plant and a pathogen that disrupts the normal growth and appearance of the plant; all diseases are caused by fungi (molds). The two common symptoms of a grass disease are circular patch of turfgrass, either small or large, that is no longer uniformly green; and, turf that has “spots” on the leaves.
To solve any problem with turf disease, one must identify the disease, then identify the conditions conducing to the development of the disease, and lastly, identify the management techniques that will alter or eliminate these conducive conditions. Many cases require chemical and mechanical techniques.